
This is the first run of the Burrell tractor from Accucraft/Maxitrack with a passenger.
This top view shows the front wheels turned all the way to the left.
For size, comparaison I added an LGB logging disconnect...
The operator's view. Clock wise from the upper left are the steering wheel, pressure gauge, Johnson bar, brake, gas control valve and lubricator. The throttle is in the center of the picture.
The two brass pins near the center of the wheel can be unscrewed to prevent the wheel from being driven.
This picture and the following one show how Accu hid some screws within the fake rivet pattern...
This is the drain for the lubricator. It is located under the cab, in the left rear corner.
The twin gas burners are somewhat hard to see, deep inside the cab.
The builder's plate reads: Accucraft, made in China for Maxitrack.
The boiler has a serial number.
This is the brake wheel.
The brake screw pushes on this lever which in turns presses on a smooth surface next to the intermediate gear.
Steering gear reduction: I'm thinking about changing its ratio, to make the whole system more responsive...
This is the accessory drive pulley. To use it, both wheels need to be disconected from the main shaft and then a belt can power a stationary device.
This pressure gauge goes up to 150psi. The safety lifts just below 100psi.
What looks like the cab floor is actualy the gas tank.
This and the following two pictures show the main gear drive engagement.
The cylinder features fonctional drain cocks. I will eventualy extend the control rod, so I can actuate from the ridding car, while the tractor is in motion.
Time to put the toy back in its box!
Finaly, a couple of view of my temporary ridding car. It is made of four casters and a plank...
Steam Powered Pencil sharpener (large file: 14MB).
Same as previous, only smaller (2.4MB).