G scale is a generic designation for model trains that run on 45mm gauge tracks. If you're modeling 1m gauge trains, then the scale is 1:22.5, if you're modeling 3' gauge, then the scale is 1:20.3, if your're modeling 2' gauge... The list goes on for ever!
Here are some pictures of my rail bus. It uses an LGB diesel engine's power brick (one that comes in a starter kit, I think) with one axle removed. The front truck uses axles from a Bachman ten wheeler's front truck (the rest of my ten wheeler is now sitting under my own version of thomas the tank engine...). Everything else is scratchbuilt from wood.
Click on the pictures to see a high resolution version:
This is the status as of 08/24/1999
One wall has been added (08/26/1999)... |
The roof and a first coat of paint have been added (11/01/1999).
Almost all the windows are there (I ran out of wood half way through installing the last window!)(12/05/1999).
The inside details are well under way: I chose to use two long benches to make it possible to hide the batteries. All the interior is removable, for easy maintenance...(12/05/1999).
Here are a few pictures of G scale (or close to G scale) models that I built or bought:
Here is a hard working Shay (the grade is over 5% and the logs on the flat cars are real) going up a homebuilt loop. |
This "thing" was the first prototype of solar powered train I built. The panels are from surplus parts. Only one of them really works up to advertized specs. the other four are collectively about as powerfull as the good one. The chassis is built using a mix of Lego Technic pieces, some cardboard and rubber band to hold the motor... It worked until I accidentely dropped my camera on it! One of these days I'll get some new panels. |
Here is my attempt at building a replica of Thomas the tank engine. Since this picture was taken, I've painted it... The only thing missing is the face! The engine is completely scratchbuilt in wood, execpt for the motor and wheels "borrowed" from a Bachman ten wheeler. |
This engine started as a Lehmann Porter. I scratchbuilt a new cab out of wood (my first G scale board by board model ever!), added some new front and rear couplers (home made link and pin) and a few other details. This engine is still in need of decals and some weathering... |
Here is a closup view of the same engine. You can see the home made front beam with its link and pin coupler (scratch built from brass). I've added a few pipes and, most visibly, I've rebuilt the cab. Here is the story behind its funny shape: this engine was in a locomotive shed that caught fire and burned to the ground. The original cab was destroyed in the process, so the Superintendent asked the carpenter who rebuilt the engine shed if he could do something about the engine... That's why this engine has a building style roof! |
Here is a "cornfield meet" between my Porter and my rail bus. Don't worry, nobody was injured! |
This bug was built from a Lego MindStorm set (with a few parts borrowed from some other kits as well). It features a bumper at each end, so when it reaches the end of the line, it reverses direction... |